"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." (John 5:39)

June 04, 2004

Jesus the Man

We continue are journey trough the Gospel of John. Pausing here to drink from the well (water = word) on the ground belonging to Joseph (on a side bar if interested look up what Joseph means in Hebrew). I pray our savior will feed us His living water and take out all impurities we may add with our own words.

Jhn 4:5 Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
Jhn 4:6 Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour.

- Is there any significance and what is meant by it is Jacob’s well?
- Are there any meaning and/ or importance in the words "sixth" & "well"?
- When and how did Jacob give the ground to Joseph?

Jesus therefore being wearied. This brings out the reality of Christ humanity. He was just as much man as He was God. This mystery few if any can fathom, nor are we ask to (Mat 11:27). We just must believe that He was both the perfect God and perfect man if for no other reason than the bible says this is so. For if we were to begin to pick and choose what we desired to believe or to say we believe "but" then there is absolutely no foundation for our salvation. At no point does it ever say that Christ was separate from the Trinity while at other times it does distinguished Jesus with individual characteristics. In addition though at no point does it ever say that He was part man and part God (Heb 4:15-16). It is demonstrated again and again that He was completely 100% God and completely 100% man. He ate, drank, worked and slept, prayed, and wept. He also knew temptation, tribulation, and true pain. In contrast we will soon see His divine omniscience revealed in the verses to come. We will see His perfect knowledge of the women and her history at this well. This power of the heart and elements will be seen over and over throughout the gospel. As man he was born of a woman and is weary as He sat by the well. As the lord He was there by divine design to call one of His sheep to His fold.