Welcome to a few new readers this week. It amazes me when people find my site, amazes me more when they wish to receive my ramblings. Not to scare any away I will quote from A.W. Pinks commentary today. I pray that it pleases God to touch this message to our hearts and that we may, why the day is still among us, seize every opportunity to glorify Him.
Extra Credit: We should be humbled by Marys devotion. It becomes easy to look and unfortunately judges others works when we need to ask ourselves like Spurgeon asked in one of his sermons, What have I done?
Jhn 12:7 Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this.
Jhn 12:8 For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always.
- What does Mathew and Mark add here or differs from this gospel and why?
There is a very searching message for our hearts in these words. Mary had fellowship with His sufferings, and her opportunity for this was brief and soon passed. If Mary had failed to seize her chance to render loves adoring testimony to the preciousness of Christs person at that time, she could never have recalled it throughout eternity. How exquisitely suited to the moment was her witness to the fragrance of Christs death before God, when men deemed Him worthy only of a malefactors cross. She came beforehand to anoint Him for his burial. But how soon would such an opportunity pass! In like manner we are privileged today to render a testimony to Him in this scene of His rejection. We too are permitted to have fellowship with His sufferings. But soon this opportunity will pass from us forever! There is a real sense in which these words of Christ to Mary, me ye have not always, apply to us. Soon shall we enter into the fellowship of His glory. O that we may be constrained by His love to deeper devotedness, a more faithful testimony to His infinite worth, and a fuller entering into His sufferings in the present hour of His rejection by the world. (exert from A.W. Pink)